Get The Look You Deserve With Clip-In Extensions

Get The Look You Deserve With Clip-In Extensions

Are you that person who had long straight hair from as long as you can remember? Are you that person who could never ever grow hair beyond shoulder length, no matter how many prayers you said? Are that person who got straight As, ticked all the boxes in life, but was too scared to do anything drastic with your hair? 

Wow, those were a lot of questions! We will give you a minute to think about what we just asked. Go ahead and answer for yourself, sister. We shall wait for you. 

We all have an alter ego inside that which wants to go wild, try out new things and live like there is no tomorrow. All this applies for your hair too! Be honest, have you never thought of experimenting with a bold new hairstyle or colouring your hair to add colour to your life?   

But, one of the many reasons you might not have tried it so far is because of the noises in your head. 

  • What if it doesn’t suit me?
  • What if it looks funny? 
  • What if I don’t like that new look anymore? 

Now, we have a counter to all those noises in your head. What if we say you can experiment all you want without being worried about damaging your hair or not being able to undo what you did?

Drumroll ladies….Presenting to your clip-in extensions made of 100% human hair extensions. These clip-in extensions come in all textures, colours and sizes and help you experiment and change your look, without any risk.

Read on to learn about the various ways you can change up your look with clip-in extensions.

Add A Bit Of Colour With Clip-In Extension Streaks

Did you have the ‘plain black syndrome’ all your life and want to just add a teeny bit of colour? Then clip-in extension streaks are the right solution for you. Whether you want to go fiery red or royal blue, clip-in extension streaks help you do it.

Clip-in extension streaks are just what you need to showcase your personality without going all out! From baby pink to golden, we have clip-in extension streaks in 13 different colours. Holy moly, isn’t that a lot to choose from?

Check out our clip-in extension streaks now!

Try them out and add streaks to your hair without adding chemicals. 

Turn It Up With Balayage Clip-In Extensions

Balayage is the IT HAIR COLORING technique that’s being donned by celebrities all over. If you are tired of having the same hairstyle all your life and want to jump on the ‘staying in tune with hair trends’ bandwagon, then Balayage Clip-In Extensions are the perfect fit for you! 

Balayage is a colouring technique in which the hairstylist ditches aluminium foils and stencils. In this technique, the stylist colours your hair with a free hand and a brush. Read our blog on Balayage Clip-In Extensions to dive deep into what they truly are.

Now you have read our blog on Balayage Clip-In Extensions, you know the kind of magic they can do to how you look and how they can transform you. From Ash Brown to Bronde, choose your vibe and go with it.

Check out our Balayage Clip-in Hair Extensions now!

Try them out now and turn it up without having to be worried about ‘OMG, how if I can’t reserve what I just did!’ 

Get The Length You Deserve With Long Clip-In Extensions

Onion juice, curry leaves boiled in oil, egg whites, oh the list is quite endless. Did you try all of these and more to try and grow your hair long? But, nothing seemed to work? Oh, don’t worry sister! We are going to make your Rapunzel dream come true with our long clip-in extensions. 

From 16 inches to 26 inches we have long clip-in extensions in different lengths and two textures. So, if you want to have beautiful long hair for your bestie’s wedding or turn heads at Awards Night at work, then long clip-in extensions are what you should go for! 

Check out our long clip-in extensions now!

Be A Diva With Clip-In Extension Bangs

Are you a fan of Priyanka’s side bangs from Don 2 or Katrina’s curtain bangs from New York? You want to try on the look, but are too scared to do the chop-chop? Sister, then the clip-in extension bangs are what you should go for

All you need to do is clip-in the bangs, chop them to fit your forehead and voila, you are good to go! 

Check out our clip-in extension bangs now!

Whether it is adding colour to your hair or trying a hairstyle you never tried, clip-in extensions can do it all! So, go on, invest in clip-in extensions and achieve the look you always wanted to achieve since forever.

Get the look you deserve honey! XOXO